Up to date - 1287 league games


Date Winner - alignment Loser - alignment Map
2024-06-14 crymorenomore - Death Jerem - Order Heart of Winter
2024-06-06 Jerem - Life Timmutaja - Chaos Eruption
2024-05-21 KoT - Order Gagatek - Stronghold Heart of Winter
2024-05-20 Jerem - Death BrennusWhiskey - Death Heart of Winter
2024-05-10 Gagatek - Chaos Aigle Edente - Order Showdown
2024-05-09 crymorenomore - Chaos Jadefuchs - Life Heart of Winter
2024-05-05 Jadefuchs - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Death 10 Treasure Islands
2024-05-04 KoT - Stronghold Gagatek - Life Chasing Reptiles
2024-04-25 Geroika - Life apocalypse - Chaos Eruption
2024-04-23 Jerem - Order MordY - Chaos Eruption
2024-04-22 KoT - Chaos Timmutaja - Death Winter Bridge
2024-04-21 KoT - Order crymorenomore - Death Heart of Winter
2024-04-20 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Gagatek - Preserve Keeper
2024-04-18 crymorenomore - Order Aigle Edente - Chaos Iron Man
2024-04-17 Mordaunt - Preserve Aigle Edente - Preserve Iron Man
2024-04-16 Gagatek - Order Jerem - Death Showdown
2024-04-14 Jadefuchs - Death Gagatek - Death Vae Victis
2024-04-10 Gagatek - Death Jadefuchs - Preserve Heart of Winter
2024-04-07 KoT - Death Gagatek - Order Iron Man
2024-04-06 Timmutaja - Chaos MortY - Chaos Tomb King
2024-04-02 BrennusWhiskey - Death Gagatek - Preserve Keeper
2024-04-01 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Gagatek - Death Keeper
2024-03-31 Gagatek - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Order Heart of Winter
2024-03-28 Gagatek - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Heart of Winter
2024-03-27 KoT - Preserve Geroika - Life Eruption
2024-03-23 crymorenomore - Order BrennusWhiskey - Life Keeper
2024-03-22 crymorenomore - Stronghold BrennusWhiskey - Order Keeper
2024-03-19 Gagatek - Life Aigle Edente - Order Iron Man
2024-03-18 Falcaut - Death Gagatek - Preserve Iron Man
2024-03-17 BrennusWhiskey - Life KoT - Preserve Eruption
2024-03-13 Falcaut - Death Gagatek - Death Heart of Winter
2024-03-06 crymorenomore - Stronghold BrennusWhiskey - Life Keeper
2024-03-01 BrennusWhiskey - Life KoT - Death Heart of Winter
2024-02-27 Falcaut - Chaos Gagatek - Life Heart of Winter
2024-02-25 Falcaut - Stronghold Gagatek - Chaos Heart of Winter
2024-02-24 CTPANNuK - Life BrennusWhiskey - Life Heart of Winter
2024-02-23 crymorenomore - Life BrennusWhiskey - Life Heart of Winter
2024-02-21 crymorenomore - Death BrennusWhiskey - Life Winter Bridge
2024-02-20 crymorenomore - Order Zlidni - Chaos Heart of Winter
2024-02-20 crymorenomore - Life Zlidni - Chaos Heart of Winter
2024-02-20 crymorenomore - Death CTPANNuK - Stronghold Tactical Arena
2024-02-19 crymorenomore-Order/KoT-Death Zlidni-Order/CTPANNuK-Stronghold Crimson and Clover/4 Players Game
2024-02-18 Zlidni-Order/CTPANNuK-Death crymorenomore-Death/KoT-Death Danger in Trees/4 Players Game
2024-02-17 crymorenomore - Preserve Zlidni - Life Heart of Winter
2024-02-17 crymorenomore - Order Gagatek - Life Heart of Winter
2024-02-10 CTPANNuk - Order crymorenomore - Order Giant Maze
2024-02-09 CTPANNuk - Death crymorenomore - Stronghold Tactical Arena
2024-02-08 Gagatek - Life crymorenomore - Death Heart of Winter
2024-02-07 CTPANNuk - Life crymorenomore - Death Tactical Arena
2024-02-06 CTPANNuk - Chaos crymorenomore - Order Tactical Arena
2024-02-05 CTPANNuk - Chaos crymorenomore - Death Powerspot
2024-02-01 CTPANNuk - Order crymorenomore - Life Powerspot
2024-01-19 crymorenomore - Death Zlidni - Chaos Lezkandra
2024-01-17 crymorenomore - Order Zlidni - Death Lezkandra
2024-01-15 crymorenomore - Stronghold Zlidni - Chaos Lezkandra
2024-01-14 crymorenomore - Preserve CTPANNuk - Life Powerspot
2024-01-13 CTPANNuk - Order crymorenomore - Death Powerspot
2024-01-12 CTPANNuk - Chaos crymorenomore - Preserve Powerspot
2024-01-11 CTPANNuk - Death crymorenomore - Chaos Powerspot
2024-01-10 crymorenomore - Order Timmutaja - Death Heart of Winter
2024-01-07 crymorenomore-Death/KoT-Death Zlidni-Chaos/CTPANNuK-Chaos Crimson and Clover/4 Players Game
2024-01-01 Zlidni-Chaos/CTPANNuK-Life crymorenomore-Stronghold/KoT-Preserve Crimson and Clover/4 Players Game

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