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Views: 735 | Added by: BrennusWhiskey | Date: 2020-01-04 | Comments (0)

We are proudly presenting you three new maps designed for our league.




Nice, quite complicated map with some funny quests. You will face a lot of water and sand that can slow you down.



The map probably will be added to our second maps pack because I find some of them already included as not very clever (Haspenia, Hydra, Dog days - probably will be replaced).

Yet, we will wait for the finishing of the new map of Hardack - "Tomb King".





"What once was one thriving kingdom has turned into two duchies that share an island, and the river divides their border. Now you have to gain crown of enchantments to be crowned as the real king of this land and to destroy your opponent. But this mission is very hard - first you have to release the bishop of your duchy imprisoned on the island. Only he will be able to crown you as a king."

Based on Jb239 map "Shattered Kingdom".






"The three magnificent queens of this land enjoy the true adoration of their subjects. Unfortunately, none of the three ladies are fond of the other two. As for accuracy - the queens do not like each other to the extent that they are ready to prove their hostility on the battlefield. This is how your adventure begins!"

The map is designed for 3 human players.


The maps are available in the section Download.

The maps were made with cooperation with Hardack Thank you for your work Hardack!

Views: 1075 | Added by: BrennusWhiskey | Date: 2019-06-08 | Comments (0)

Games from 2022 (121)


2022-12-31 Negus - Death BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Deep Kick
2022-12-30 Negus - Life Gagatek - Preserve Zminez
2022-12-30 Negus - Death BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Showdown
2022-12-27 BrennusWhiskey - Order Negus - Preserve Showdown
2022-12-26 BrennusWhiskey - Order Gagatek - Preserve Heart of Winter
2022-12-25 BrennusWhiskey - Order   DRAW    Gagatek -Preserve           Heart of Winter
2022-12-22 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Gagatek - Death Heart of Winter
2022-12-19 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Gagatek - Order Heart of Winter
2022-12-18 Gagatek - Order BrennusWhiskey - Death Heart of Winter
2022-12-16 BrennusWhiskey - Order Gagatek - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-12-11 Gagatek - Death BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Heart of Winter
2022-12-06 Gagatek - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Order Heart of Winter
2022-12-04 Aigle Edente - Life BrennusWhiskey - Life Circle of Life
2022-11-28 BrennusWhiskey - Death Gagatek - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-11-27 Negus - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Death Showdown
2022-11-26 Gagatek - Order BrennusWhiskey - Life Heart of Winter
2022-11-24 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve MortY - Death Death Valley
2022-11-21 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Gagatek - Life Heart of Winter
2022-11-20 Gagatek - Life BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-11-19 BrennusWhiskey - Life NamelessOne - Chaos Showdown
2022-11-18 BrennusWhiskey - Order Gagatek - Order Heart of Winter
2022-11-17 Negus - Life Gagatek - Death Zminez
2022-11-14 Negus - Order Gagatek - Life Zminez
2022-11-13 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold MortY - Death Fire and Ice
2022-11-11 Gagatek - Chaos Negus - Preserve Zminez
2022-11-06 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve crymorenomore - Chaos Lost in Space
2022-10-26 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve MortY - Chaos Agathon
2022-10-23 NamelessOne - Order BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Agathon 1100 games bonus
2022-10-21 Gagatek - Death BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Agathon
2022-10-12 NamelessOne - Preserve Topgan - Chaos Training Grounds
2022-10-11 crymorenomore - Life Negus - Preserve Eruption
2022-10-10 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Topgan - Chaos Agathon
2022-10-02 Gagatek - Life Negus - Life Zminez
2022-09-30 BrennusWhiskey - Death Mike77 - Order Circle of Life
2022-09-26 Negus - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Showdown
2022-09-24 BrennusWhiskey - Life               DRAW         NamelessOne - Chaos        Lezkandra
2022-09-18 Negus - Death BrennusWhiskey - Preserve 10 Treasure Islands
2022-09-15 Gagatek - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Death After the Flood
2022-09-14 Negus - Chaos Jerem - Order Eruption
2022-09-13 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Topgan - Chaos Agathon
2022-09-10 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Gagatek - Death Heart of Winter
2022-09-07 NamelessOne - Chaos Topgan - Chaos Heroes
2022-09-06 BrennusWhiskey - Death Topgan - Stronghold Showdown
2022-09-05 Gagatek - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Zminez
2022-09-01 Negus - Preserve Gagatek - Preserve Zminez
2022-08-31 NamelessOne - Order Topgan - Stronghold After the Flood
2022-08-29 NamelessOne - Life Topgan - Preserve Chameleon
2022-08-27 NamelessOne - Life Topgan - Stronghold Chameleon
2022-08-26 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Jerem - Order Keeper
2022-08-18 Negus - Preserve Aigle Edente - Order  Iron Man
2022-08-14 Battal - Chaos maho aga - Death Powerspot
2022-08-12 maho aga - Order Battal - Preserve Circle of Life
2022-08-11 Battal - Life maho aga - Preserve Battle of Bastards
2022-08-09 Battal - Life maho aga - Stronghold Land of War
2022-08-07 Battal - Chaos maho aga - Chaos Showdown
2022-08-06 capsBURG - Stronghold Metatext1 - Order Spherical Jeb
2022-08-04 Battal - Preserve maho aga - Life Heart of Winter
2022-08-02 maho aga - Life Battal - Stronghold Iron Man
2022-08-01 Metatext1 - Chaos capsBURG - Death Spherical Jeb
2022-07-31 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve maho aga-Preserve/Battal-Life Dragon Pass/3 Players Game
2022-07-29 Negus - Life BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Ten Treasure Islands
2022-07-23 Metatext1 - Order capsBURG - Life Spherical Jeb
2022-07-17 Gagatek - Stronghold BrennusWhiskey - Death Heart of Winter
2022-06-25 Jerem - Chaos Hardack - Stronghold Keeper
2022-06-21 Negus - Chaos KoT - Chaos Showdown
2022-06-19 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Negus - Chaos Showdown
2022-06-17 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold Jerem - Chaos Showdown
2022-06-11 Jerem - Chaos capsBURG - Stronghold Heart of Winter
2022-05-26 Negus - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Order Showdown
2022-05-26 crymorenomore - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-05-22 crymorenomore - Stronghold Hardack - Stronghold Heart of Winter
2022-05-19 Negus - Life MartiusR - Life Eruption
2022-05-18 Topgan - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Death Yeux Mort
2022-05-17 KoT - Life Timmutaja - Order Keeper
2022-05-13 MartiusR - Life Jander - Stronghold Zminez
2022-05-11 BrennusWhiskey - Order Gagatek - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-05-08 capsBURG - Stronghold Metatext1 - Chaos Spherical Jeb
2022-05-07 Negus - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Showdown
2022-05-06 Hardack - Preserve Timmutaja - Life Heart of Winter
2022-05-04 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold capsBURG - Preserve Showdown
2022-05-03 Gagatek - Life Jerem - Stronghold Heart of Winter
2022-05-02 BrennusWhiskey - Life KoT - Order Eruption
2022-04-30 Metatext1 - Life capsBURG - Stronghold Spherical Jeb
2022-04-26 Jerem - Death Jander - Preserve Heart of Winter
2022-04-25 BrennusWhiskey - Order NamelessOne - Order Showdown
2022-04-23 BrennusWhiskey - Stronghold crymorenomore - Stronghold Eldorado
2022-04-22 NamelessOne - Death BrennusWhiskey - Life Lezkandra
2022-04-20 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve KoT - Death Winter Bridge
2022-04-18 Gagatek - Death MartiusR - Life Showdown
2022-04-17 crymorenomore - Chaos Negus - Life Spleen
2022-04-13 Negus - Order BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Ten Treasure Islands
2022-04-10 BrennusWhiskey - Order KoT - Preserve Showdown
2022-04-09 capsBURG - Order Metatex1 - Death Superheroes
2022-04-09 crymorenomore - Chaos Negus - Death Zminez
2022-04-08 BrennusWhiskey - Order KoT - Order Heart of Winter
2022-04-07 NamelessOne - Preserve Kot - Death Training Grounds
2022-04-06 capsBURG - Order Metatext1 - Chaos Showdown
2022-04-06 Metatext1 - Chaos capsBURG - Chaos Showdown
2022-04-05 KoT - Chaos NamelessOne - Death Training Grounds
2022-04-04 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Aigle Edente - Chaos Heart of Winter
2022-03-27 BrennusWhiskey - Death Negus - Preserve Ten Treasure Islands
2022-03-14                         Negus - Order                 DRAW                     BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Ten Treasure Islands
2022-03-13 Negus - Order BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Ten Treasure Islands
2022-03-06 Negus - Life BrennusWhiskey - Life Ten Treasure Islands
2022-03-02 Negus - Death BrennusWhiskey - Order Ten Treasure Islands
2022-02-27 BrennusWhiskey - Life Negus - Life Ten Treasure Islands
2022-02-26 Falcaut - Order Aigle Edente - Death After the Flood
2022-02-23 Negus - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Befalas Bay
2022-02-21 BrennusWhiskey - Death Negus - Preserve Showdown
2022-02-20 Negus - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Life Showdown
2022-02-15 Aigle Edente - Death BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Eruption
2022-02-13 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Negus - Order Showdown
2022-02-06 Negus - Chaos BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Showdown
2022-02-02 BrennusWhiskey - Order Negus - Chaos Showdown
2022-01-30 BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Negus - Preserve Keeper
2022-01-29 BrennusWhiskey - Chaos Negus - Death Keeper
2022-01-28 Falcaut - Order Aigle Edente - Death Circle of Life
2022-01-23 Negus - Preserve BrennusWhiskey - Preserve Keeper
2022-01-22 BrennusWhiskey - Death Negus - Stronghold Keeper
2022-01-10 Negus - Life BrennusWhiskey - Life Deep Kick
2022-01-06 BrennusWhiskey - Order Topgan - Chaos Into the Fray
Category: Games archive | Views: 152 | Added by: BrennusWhiskey | Date: 2019-03-26 | Comments (0)

III round
Negus (Death) def. BrennusWhiskey (Preserve)       Maps: Agathon, Heart of Winter, Hydra, Land of War, Zminez
Dziki_Goblin-Palkovvodec    Maps: Bizarro, Circle of Life, Deep Kick, Heart of Winter, Superheroes    

Hamachi: Kings#3 pass 123
Aigle Edente  (Preserve) def. Cotton Raccoon (Chaos) Maps: After the Flood,  Bizarro, Bleubites vs Roqueques,  Deep Kick, Iron Man
Hardack-Agony            Maps: After the Flood, Befalas Bay, Land of War, Plains of Despair, Spellcasters                    

First players are host. Join player eliminates first:
Games should be played on expert mode and 8 min/turn    

Views: 758 | Added by: BrennusWhiskey | Date: 2019-02-12 | Comments (0)

Some players resigned so that we can start the II round:


II round:
Negus (Order) def. Aigle Edente (Order) Maps: Bizarro, Eruption, Plains of Despair, The Kingdom, Zminez  

BrennusWhiskey (Order) def. Dziki Goblin (Chaos) Maps: Bankruptcy, Bleubites vs Roqueques, Deep Kick, Heart of Winter, Land of War              

Palkovvodec (Death) def. Hardack (Stronghold) Maps: Circle of Life, Haspenia, Mystic Vale, Plains of Despair, Victoria    

Hamachi: Kings#3 pass 123

Cotton Raccoon-BossPuf23 Maps: Agathon,Death Valley, Iron Man, Land of War, Zminez    

Hamachi: Kings#2 pass 123


First players are host. Join player eliminates first:
Games should be played on expert mode and 8 min/turn

I round: 

Negus (Stronghold) def. Hardack (Stronghold)  Maps: Bankruptcy, Death Valley, Keeper, Plains of Despair, Zminez    

BrennusWhiskey (Stronghold) def. Cotton Raccoon (Death) Maps: Heart of Winter, Iron Man, Land of War, Lions Muzzle, Megadragons  


Hamachi: Kings#1 pass 123

Dziki_Goblin-Szigi Maps: Bizarro, Death Valley, Deep Kick, Iron Man, Superheroes  


Hamachi: Kings#3 pass 123

Aigle Edente (Death) def. BossPuf23 (Order) Maps: Agathon, Bizarro, Plains of Despair, Megadragons, Mystic Vale 

Paul-JurijBojka Maps: After the Flood, Bleubites vs Roqueques, Death Valley, Iron Man, Keeper    

Hamachi: Kings#2 pass 123


Palkovvodec-(?) Maps: After the Flood, Circle of Life, Iron Man, Keeper, Land of War    

Hamachi: Kings#3 pass 123

Views: 701 | Added by: BrennusWhiskey | Date: 2018-12-16 | Comments (0)

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